Imagination Therapy

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Self-Hypnosis and Mindfulness Workshops now booking

Workshops now booking

Two complementary workshops are now booking: Self-Hypnosis (half-day) and Practical Mindfulness for Everyday Living (2.5 hrs).  

Self-Hypnosis Workshop (half-day):

Saturday 15 September 2018 13.30 – 17.30

at Imperial College London, GO3 Weeks Building, 16-18 Prince’s Gardens, London, SW7 1NE.

This is a half-day (4 hours) practical self-hypnosis workshop that takes you a step beyond mindfulness and relaxation. No previous experience necessary, however, as this is a standalone workshop equally suitable for complete beginners and those experienced in other forms of relaxation/mindfulness. The workshop uses a cognitive behavioural, fully evidence-based (non-state) model of hypnosis.  Self-hypnosis is especially useful for reducing anxiety, dealing with stress, building calmness and self-confidence.

For further information and booking please follow the Eventbrite link below:


Practical Mindfulness for Everyday Living (2.5hrs):

Monday 15 October 18.00-20.30

at Imperial College London, GO3 Weeks Building, 16-18 Prince’s Gardens, London, SW7 1NE.

An evening (2.5 hours) practical workshop that introduces you to simple mindfulness techniques and practices that you can integrate into daily living, and that doesn't require you to meditate every day!  The workshop complements the self-hypnosis half-day workshop run in September.  This workshop is designed to help you develop mindfulness without frequent or daily meditation, it puts it in context and instead uses lots of really simple techniques and practices you can do on the bus, the tube, the train or walking through the park or on the way home or to work.  Mindfulness can help you deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you, such as stress and anxiety.

For further information and booking please follow the Eventbrite link below:

These are popular courses so early booking is advised:

"Hypnosis demystified and made accessible in one afternoon! I am looking forward to practicing my own affirmations."

"A fantastic session perfectly balanced between theory and practice. I will take these skills away forever."

"Really great. Thank you. Will put this into practice."

Great course - I'm feeling very positive about exploring this some more!"

"Very helpful to build self-awareness. Really clear guidance and tips."

"Excellent and extremely helpful on a personal level. I will carry forward the information and techniques demonstrated to use in my day to day life."